Key Features and Amenities

  • Dining room with mountain views and access to fragrant garden
  • Lounge with fireplace and garden access
  • Wellness Centre
  • Swimming pool
  • Gym
  • Well managed library with computer kiosk
  • On site chef cooking delicious and nutritious meals and attending to special dietary requirements
  • Large well-equipped activity room
  • Multi-denominational Chapel
  • Café
  • Bus to take residents shopping and on outings
  • Overnight accommodation for family
  • Hairdresser
  • Visiting beautician
  • Pastoral care support
  • Nursing staff 24/7
  • Allied health services such as physiotherapy and podiatry


These rooms are located in a dedicated accommodation wing providing secure accommodation for people living with dementia.

  • Rooms are 17m2 and have a private ensuite
  • Several sitting rooms and main sitting room
  • Large secured garden courtyard
  • All rooms have a garden outlook.


These comfortable rooms are 21.2m2 plus private ensuite.

  • Personally controlled heating and cooling
  • Easy access to small sitting rooms with tea making facilities
  • Level access to gardens and courtyards.


These spacious rooms are 23m2 plus private ensuite.

  • Personally controlled heating and cooling
  • Personal kitchenette in room
  • Easy access to small sitting rooms
  • Level access to gardens and courtyards
  • Easy access to small sitting rooms.

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Resident Stories

Personal and inspiring stories from our residents

Guilford young Grove is a small, friendly aged care facility. As a resident here since 2006 I have found life here supportive of my needs. The beauty of this area gives an additional enjoyment.
Anne, resident

Anne, resident